赵友选,重庆大学,航空航天学院,副教授 办公地址:重庆大学A区理科楼413A 邮箱:youxuan.zhao@cqu.edu.cn 教育经历: 2011/09-2015/12 博士 西南交通大学 2013/08-2015/08 博士 美国西北大学(联合培养博士) 2005/09-2007/12 硕士 北京航空航天大学 2001/09-2005/07 学士 北京航空航天大学 工作经历: 2007/06-2011/08 Abaqus高级工程师 达索系统 2015/12-2019/08 讲师 重庆大学航空航天学院 2019/09-至今 副教授 重庆大学航空航天学院 研究方向: 1、超声无损检测 2、飞行器结构强度 3、有限元方法 4、计算固体力学 科研项目:
Xiangyan Ding, Youxuan Zhao, Mingxi Deng, Guoshuang Shui and Ning Hu. One-way Lamb mixing method in thin plates with randomly distributed micro-cracks. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2020, 171: 105371.
Youxuan Zhao, Feilong Li, Peng Cao, Yaolu Liu, Jun Zhang, Ning Hu. Generation mechanism of nonlinear ultrasonic Lamb waves in thin plates with randomly distributed micro-cracks. Ultrasonics, 2017, 79: 60-67.
Feilong Li, Youxuan Zhao, Peng Cao, Ning Hu. Mixing of ultrasonic Lamb waves in thin plates with quadratic nonlinearity. Ultrasonics, 2018, 87: 33-43.
Xiangyan Ding, Youxuan Zhao, Ning Hu, Yaolu Liu, Jun Zhang and Mingxi Deng. Experimental and numerical study of nonlinear Lamb waves of low frequency S0 mode in plates with quadratic nonlinearity. Materials, 2018, 11(11): 2096.
Xiangyan Ding, Feilong Li, Youxuan Zhao, Yongmei Xu, Ning Hu, Peng Cao and Mingxi Deng. Generation Mechanism of Nonlinear Rayleigh Surface Waves for Randomly Distributed Surface Micro-Cracks. Materials, 2018, 11(4): 644.
Youxuan Zhao, Yongmei Xu, Zimu Chen, Peng Cao and Ning Hu. Detection and Characterization of Randomly Distributed Micro-cracks in Elastic Solids by One-Way Collinear Mixing Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2018, 37(3): 1-9.
Zhao Youxuan, Qiu Yanjun, Jacobs J. Laurence, Qu Jianmin. Frequency-Dependent Tensile and Compressive Effective Moduli of Elastic Solids with Randomly Distributed Two-Dimensional Microcracks. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2015, 82(8): 081006.
Zhao Youxuan, Chen Zimu, Cao Peng, Qiu Yanjun. Experiment and FEM study of one-way mixing of elastic waves with quadratic nonlinearity. NDT&E International, 2015, 72: 33-40.
Youxuan Zhao, Yanjun Qiu, Laurence J. Jacobs, Jianmin Qu. Frequency-Dependent Tensile and Compressive Effective Moduli of Elastic Solids with Distributed Penny-Shaped Microcracks. Acta Mechanica, 2016, 227(2): 399-419.
Zhao Youxuan, Qiu Yanjun, Jacobs J. Laurence, Qu Jianmin. A Micromechanics Model for the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter in Solids with Distributed Microcracks. AIP Conference Proceedings 1706, 2016(060001).
Yanjun Qiu, Yilin Zhang, Yewang Su, Peng Cao, Youxuan Zhao. Ultrasonic Nonlinearity Evaluation of the Cracked Interface. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 2016(5023127): 1-7.