刘锋 博士
Email: liufeng.cqu.edu.cn
地址: 重庆市沙坪坝区沙正街174号重庆大学A区理科楼
邮编: 400044
1. 高强碳材料结构设计
2. 材料热学性能分析
3. 石墨烯纤维界面力学性能分析
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“基于微结构设计的石墨烯纤维力学性能增强机理研究”,2020.01-2022.12,27万,在研。
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:“高强石墨烯纤维材料设计与力学性能增强机理研究”,2019.05-2021.05,8万,在研。
[1] F. Liu, R. Zou, N. Hu, H. Ning, C. Yan, Y. Liu, L. Wu, F. Mo, S. Fu, Enhancement of thermal energy transport across the graphene/h-BN heterostructure interface, Nanoscale 11(9) (2019) 4067-4072.
[2] F. Liu, R. Zou, N. Hu, H. Ning, C. Yan, Y. Liu, L. Wu, F. Mo, Understanding the mechanical properties and deformation behavior of 3-D graphene-carbon nanotube structures, Materials & Design 160 (2018) 377-383.
[3] F. Liu, X. Liu, N. Hu, H. Ning, S. Atobe, C. Yan, F. Mo, S. Fu, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, Investigation of thermal energy transport interface of hybrid graphene-carbon nanotube/polyethylene nanocomposites, Scientific Reports 7(1) (2017) 14700.
[4] R. Zou, F. Liu, N. Hu, H. Ning, X. Jiang, C. Xu, S. Fu, Y. Li, X. Zhou, C. Yan, Carbonized polydopamine nanoparticle reinforced graphene films with superior thermal conductivity, Carbon 149 (2019) 173-180.
[5] R. Zou, F. Liu, N. Hu, H. Ning, X. Jiang, C. Xu, S. Fu, Y. Li, C. Yan, 1-Pyrenemethanol derived nanocrystal reinforced graphene films with high thermal conductivity and flexibility. Nanotechnology, 31(2020) 065602.