【4月11日】Towards a quantum internet based on erbium implanted silicon photonics
发布时间:2024-04-08 | 作者: | 阅读数:

报告时间:2024年4月11日 上午10:30


报告题目:Towards a quantum internet based on erbium implanted silicon photonics


       Mark Hughes,博士,英国索尔福德大学科学、工程与环境学院准教授(Reader)。在英国南安普敦大学获得博士学位。之后在日本丰田技术研究院、日本名古屋大学、英国萨里大学从事博士后研究。长期从事量子科学的基础理论和量子计算及测量技术应用的研究,在知名科学期刊如Nature Comms、Advanced Functional Materials等上发表了40多篇研究论文。


      The transfer of quantum information over distance using optical fibre networks has applications in secure quantum communication and distributed quantum computing, but in order to overcome photon loss from fibre attenuation, quantum repeaters are required. Many quantum repeater protocols require a quantum memory. The properties of Er implanted Si make it ideal for fabricating quantum memory devices. Here I will lay out my vison for an ecosystem of quantum communication devices based on Er:Si that will be able to facilitate secure quantum communication and distributed quantum computing.

extend1 Mark Hughes,博士 extend2 2024年4月11日 上午10:30
extend3 理科楼205会议室 extend4