1991.09-1995.07 北京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与应用力学系 学士
1994.09-1997.07 北京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与应用力学系 硕士
1997.09-2000.09 北京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与应用力学系 博士
2000.10-2007.07 北京航空航天大学 飞行器设计与应用力学系/航空科学与工程学院 讲师
2003.09-2004.03 日本九州大学 工学院航空宇航工程专业 访问学者
2004.09-2005.09 北京航空航天大学 人事处 挂职副处长
2005.09-2007.11 北京航空航天大学 人事处 副处长
2007.11-2008.11 北京航空航天大学 人才交流中心 主任
2007.12-2008.07 国防科工委发展研究中心 综合计划部部长(借调)
2009.04-2009.08 英国南安普顿大学 工学院 访问学者
2001.10-2015.01 北京航空航天大学 疲劳断裂实验室 主任
2007.07-2015.01 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 副教授
2015.01-今 重庆大学 航空航天学院 研究员
研究工作围绕飞行器结构疲劳可靠性、复合材料结构设计与分析展开,作为项目负责人主持了40多个科研项目,主持项目的合同经费累计4000万元。主持科研项目包括:国家自然科学基金面上项目4项,国家863重大项目子课题1项,大型客机预研和型号攻关百万以上项目多项。获航空科技进步一等奖和北航科技进步二等奖各一项。近10年来发表SCI期刊论文100篇(第一/通讯作者62篇,其中TOP期刊论文43篇);SCI他引超过1000次,h-index=24;在斯坦福大学最新发布的全球前 2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists 2020)的最新排名中,入选“2019 年度科学影响力排行榜”(Singleyr)全球2%顶尖科学家(材料领域)。
国家863重大项目:先进轻质复合材料成形技术与装备开发与典型应用(北航课题负责人, 107万元)
C919型号攻关系列项目:加工工艺对铝锂合金疲劳性能影响对比研究,铝锂合金力学性能及结构件疲劳性能测试,喷丸成形对材料性能影响研究(项目负责人, 共159万元)
北京力学会固体力学专业委员会委员;中国复合材料学会理事;Composites Science and Technology、Composites Part A、Composites Part B、Composite Structures、International Journal of Fatigue、Materials & Design、IJ Solids Structures、IJ Mechanical Sciences、Meccanica、J Aerospace Engineering、J Composite Materials、力学学报、航空学报、力学季刊、应用力学学报、实验力学等几十个国际/国内期刊评审人;作为疲劳专家参与多个型号飞行器的研制方案、试验总任务书及首飞等评审,参与多个在役、在研飞行器型号的故障分析、故障归零工作,参与载人航天工程三期材料选型评审。
² 金属多轴疲劳:开展了金属材料多轴高周疲劳研究,提出了疲劳软性系数这个力学量作为多轴疲劳失效模式的判据,并进行了系统验证,解决了多轴高周疲劳失效模式判据缺失问题。相关工作已在国际期刊IJ Fatigue上发表了系列论文,被法国、葡萄牙、波兰等国同行多次引用。
² 复合材料疲劳断裂:建立了复合材料失效准则和材料退化模型,实现了非平面连接结构和复合材料加筋板分层失效的准确预测,提出了阻力修正的分层疲劳扩展模型。这些成果已在Composite Structures, IJ Fatigue, Journal of Composite Materials等期刊发表系列论文,并被美国、荷兰、西班牙等国同行多次引用。
² 疲劳可靠性工程:围绕Jxx系列飞机机翼、尾翼的复材主结构开展研究,建立了复材结构外场损伤性能评价技术体系,完成了关键构件的试验验证,在Jxx-B疲劳定寿和Jxx-D型号选材中获得了直接应用。帮助航天主机院所完成了多个型号的疲劳寿命评定,在实践中逐步建立起导弹疲劳寿命评定的技术体系。在疲劳可靠性工程方面的研究成果已应用于飞机、导弹、卫星等11个型号,取得了重大军事和经济效益。
1. Y Gong*, X Chen, J Tao, L Zhao*, J Zhang*, N Hu. A simple procedure for determining the mode I bridging stress of composite DCB laminates without measuring the crack opening displacement. Compos Struct 2020; 243: 112147.
2. Y Gong*, Y Hou, L Zhao*, W Li, J Zhang*, N Hu. A modified mode I cohesive zone model for the delamination growth in DCB laminates with the effect of fiber bridging. Int J Mech Sci 2020; 176: 105514.
3. S Yin, Y Gong*, W Li, L Zhao*, J Zhang*, N Hu. A novel four-linear cohesive law for the delamination simulation in composite DCB laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering 2020; 180: 107526.
4. Y Gong*, L Zhao*, J Zhang*, N Hu. Crack closure in the fatigue delamination of composite multidirectional DCB laminates with large-scale fiber bridging. Compos Struct 2020; 244: 112220.
5. T Cao, L Zhao*, Y Gong, X Gong, J Zhang*. An enhanced beam theory based semi-analytical method to determine the DCB mode I bridging-traction law. Compos Struct 2020; 245: 112306.
6. M Shan, L Zhao*, F Liu, D Qi, J Zhang*. Revealing the competitive fatigue failure behaviour of CFRP-aluminum two-bolt, double-lap joints. Compos Struct 2020; 244: 112166.
7. K Wang, L Zhao*, H Hong, J Zhang*, N Hu. An extended analytical model for predicting the compressive failure behaviors of composite laminate with an arbitrary elliptical delamination. Int J Solids Struct 2020; 185-186: 439-47.
8. F Liu, W Yao, L Zhao*, H Wu, X Zhang, J Zhang*. An improved 2D finite element model for bolt load distribution analysis of composite multi-bolt single-lap joints. Compos Struct 2020; 253: 112770.
9. M Shan, L Zhao*, W Huang, F Liu, J Zhang*. Effect Mechanisms of Hygrothermal Environments on Failure of Single-Lap and Double-Lap CFRP-Aluminum Bolted Joints. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences CMES 2020; 123(1): 101-127.
10. F Liu, W Yao, X Shi*, L Zhao, J Zhang*. Bearing Failure Optimization of Composite Double-Lap Bolted Joints Based on a Three-Step Strategy Marked By Feasible Region Reduction and Model Decoupling, Computers, Materials & Continua CMC 2020; 62(2): 977-999.
1. Yu Gong*, Bing Zhang, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu, Chuanzeng Zhang. R-curve behaviour of the mixed-mode I/II delamination in carbon/epoxy laminates with unidirectional and multidirectional interfaces. Composite Structures. 2019 (223), 110949.
2. Shihao Yin, Yu Gong*, Wangchang Li, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. A novel four-linear cohesive law for the delamination simulation in composite DCB laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019 (180), 107526.
3. Kangkang Wang, Libin Zhao*, Haiming Hong, Yu Gong, Jianyu Zhang* and Ning Hu. An analytical model for evaluating the buckling, delamination propagation, and failure behaviors of delaminated composites under uniaxial compression. Composite Structures. 2019 (223), 110937
4. Kangkang Wang, Libin Zhao*, Haiming Hong, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. An extended analytical model for predicting the compressive failure behaviors of composite laminate with an arbitrary elliptical delamination. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 185-186: 439-447.
5. Yu Gong*, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu and Chuanzeng Zhang. An insight into three approaches for determining fatigue delamination resistance in DCB tests on composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering. 2019 (176), 107206.
6. Libin Zhao, Ziang Fang, Fengrui Liu*, Meijuan Shan, Jianyu Zhang*. A modified stiffness method considering effects of hole tensile deformation on bolt load distribution in multi-bolt composite joints. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 171: 264-271.
7. Fengrui Liu, Ziang Fang, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. A failure-envelope-based method for the probabilistic failure prediction of composite multi-bolt double-lap joints. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 172: 593-602.
1.Libin Zhao*, Yang Li, Jianyu Zhang*, Longwei Zhou, Ning Hu. A novel material degradation model for unidirectional CFRP composites. Composites Part B. 2018, 135: 84-94.
2.Yu Gong, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. An improved power law criterion for the delamination propagation with the effect of large-scale fiber bridging in composite multidirectional laminates. Composite Structures. 2018, 184: 961-968.
3.Fengrui Liu, Xuheng Lu, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu, Jifeng Xu. An interpretation of the load distributions in highly torqued single-lap composite bolted joints with bolt-hole clearances. Composites Part B. 2018, 138: 194-205.
4.Meijuan Shan, Libin Zhao*, Haiming Hong, Fengrui Liu, Jianyu Zhang*. A progressive fatigue damage model for composite structures in hygrothermal environments. International Journal of Fatigue. 2018, 111: 299-307.
5.Fengrui Liu, Meijuan Shan, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*. Probabilistic bolt load distribution analysis of composite single-lap multi-bolt joints considering random bolt-hole clearances and tightening torques. Composite Structures. 2018, 194: 12-20.
6.Fengrui Liu, Xuheng Lu, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Jifeng Xu, Ning Hu. Investigation of bolt load redistribution in double-lap, multi-bolt composite joints. Composite Structures. 2018, 202: 397-405.
7.Libin Zhao*, Wen Yang, Tiancheng Cao, Haibo Li, Baorui Liu, Chao Zhang, Jianyu Zhang*. A progressive failure analysis of all-C/SiC composite multi-bolt joints. Composite Structures. 2018, 202: 1059-1068.
8.Kangkang Wang, Libin Zhao*, Haiming Hong, Jianyu Zhang*. A strain-rate-dependent damage model for evaluating the low velocity impact induced damage of composite laminates. Composite Structures. 2018, 201: 995-1003.
9.Longwei Zhou, Libin Zhao, Fengrui Liu*, Jianyu Zhang*. A micromechanical model for longitudinal compressive failure in unidirectional fiber reinforced composite. Results in Physics. 2018, 10: 841-848.
10.Yu Gong, Libin Zhao*, Jianyu Zhang*, Ning Hu. A novel model for determining the fatigue delamination resistance in composite laminates from a viewpoint of energy. Composites Science and Technology. 2018, 167: 489-496.
1. Zhao L, Wang Y, Zhang J*, et al. XFEM-based model for simulating zigzag delamination growth in laminated composites under mode I loading[J]. Composite Structures, 2017, 160:1155-1162.
2. Zhao L, Gong Y, Zhang J*, et al. A novel interpretation of fatigue delamination growth behavior in CFRP multidirectional laminates[J]. Composites Science & Technology, 2016, 133:79-88.
3. Zhao L, Wang Y, Zhang J*, et al. An interface-dependent model of plateau fracture toughness in multidirectional CFRP laminates under mode I loading[J]. Composites Part B Engineering, 2017, 131.
4. Gong Y, Zhao L, Zhang J*,, et al. Delamination propagation criterion including the effect of fiber bridging for mixed-mode I/II delamination in CFRP multidirectional laminates[J]. Composites Science & Technology, 2017, 151.
5. Zhao, L., Shan, M., Hong, H., Qi, D., Zhang J*, & Hu, N.. A residual strain model for progressive fatigue damage analysis of composite structures. Composite Structures, 2016,169.
6. Zhang Jianyu *, Shi Xinhong, Fei Binjun. High cycle fatigue and fracture mode analysis of 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy under out-of-phase axial-torsion constant amplitude loading. International Journal of Fatigue. 2012, 38:144-154.
7. Zhang Jianyu *, Shi Xinhong, Bao Rui and Fei Binjun. Tension-torsion high-cycle fatigue failure analysis of 2A12-T4 aluminum alloy with different stress ratios. International Journal of Fatigue. 2011,33(8):1066-1074.
8. Zhang Jianyu*, Peng Lei, Zhao Libin, Fei Binjun. Fatigue Delamination Growth Rates and Thresholds of Composite Laminates under Mixed Mode Loading. International Journal of Fatigue. 2012, 40:7-15.
9. Zhang Jianyu *, Liu Fengrui, Zhao Libin, Fei Binjun. A novel characteristic curve for failure prediction of multi-bolt composite joints. Composite Structures. 2014, 108:129-136.
10. Zhang Jianyu*, Liu Fengrui, Libin Zhao, Chen Yuli, Fei Binjun. A progressive damage analysis based characteristic length method for multi-bolt composite joints. Composite Structures. 2014, 108:915-923.
11. Zhang Jianyu, Zhao Libin, Qin Tianliang, Fu Yue, Fei Binjun. Influence of p overlaminates on the mechanical behavior of all-composite adhesively bonded p joints. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2014, 33(10):923-934.
12. Zhang Jianyu*, Xiao Qingshan, Shi Xinhong, Fei Binjun. Effect of Mean Shear Stress on Torsion Fatigue Failure Behavior of 2A12-T4 Aluminum Alloy. International Journal of Fatigue. 2014, 67:173-182.
13. Peng Lei (Ph.D. Candidate), Zhang Jianyu *, Zhao Lilin, Bao Rui, Yang Hongqin, Fei Binjun. Mode I Delamination Growth of Multidirectional Composite Laminates under Fatigue Loading. Journal of Composite Materials. 2011, 45(10):1077-1090.
14. Zhang Jianping (Ph.D. Candidate), Zhang Jianyu*, Bao Rui, Zheng Xiaoling. Study of Methods for Evaluating the Probability of Multiple Site Damage Occurrences. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy. 2014, 57(1):65-73.
15. Qin Tianliang (Ph.D. Candidate), Zhao Libin, Zhang Jianyu*. Fastener effects on mechanical behaviors of double-lap composite joints. Composite Structures. 2013, 100:413-423.
16. Zhao Libin, Zhang Xiaoxiao, Zhang Jianyu*, Huang Hai, Liang Xianzhu. Failure Analysis of Woven Composite Π Joint under Bending Load. Advanced Science Letters. 2011, 4(8-10):2752-2758.
17. Chen Yuli, Wang Shengtao, Pan Fei, Zhang Jianyu *. A numerical study on electrical percolation of polymer matrix composites with hybrid fillers of carbon nanotubes and carbon black. Journal of Nanometerials. 2014, 2014: 614797.
18. Zhao Libin, Gong Yu, Zhang Jianyu *, Chen Yuli, Fei Binjun. Simulation of delamination growth in multidirectional laminates under mode I and mixed mode I/II loadings using cohesive elements. Composite Structures. 2014, 116:509-522.
19. Zhao Libin, Qin Tianliang, Zhang Jianyu *, Shan Meijuan, Fei Binjun. Determination method of stress concentration relief factors for failure prediction of composite multi-bolt joints. Journal of Composite Materials. 2014.
20. Fu Yue (Ph.D. Candidate), Zhang Jianyu, Zhao Libin. Strength Prediction of Composite Π Joint under Bending Load and Study of Geometric and Material Variations Effects. Journal of Composite Materials. 2013, 47(8):1029-1038.
21. Tian Hailing, Bao Rui, Zhang Jianyu, Zheng Xiaoling, Fei Binjun. The Influence of Low Load Truncation Level on Crack Growth for Al 2324-T39 and Al 7050-T7451. Chinese J. of Aeronautics. 2009, 22(4):401-406.
22. Zhao Libin, Qin Tianliang, Shenoi Ramanand Ajit, Zhang Jianyu, Liang Xianzhu, Huang Hai. Strength Prediction of Composite Π Joint Under Tensile Load. Journal of Composite Materials. 2010,44(23):2759-2778.
23. Yang Hongqin (Ph.D. Candidate), Bao Rui, Zhang Jianyu, Peng Lei, Fei Binjun. Crack Growth Behaviour of a Nickel-based Powder Metallurgy Superalloy under Elevated Temperature. International Journal of Fatigue. 2011, 33(4):632-641.
24. Yang Hongqin (Ph.D. Candidate), Bao Rui, Zhang Jianyu, Peng Lei, Fei Binjun. Creep-fatigue crack growth behaviour of a nickel-based powder metallurgy superalloy under high temperature. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2011, 18(4):1058-1066.
25. Liu Hao (Ph.D. Candidate), Bao Rui, Zhang Jianyu, Fei Binjun. A creep-fatigue crack growth model containing temperature and interactive effects. International Journal of Fatigue. 2014, 59:34-42.
26. Zhao Libin, Qin Tianliang, Chen Yuli, Zhang Jianyu. Three dimensional progressive damage models for cohesively bonded composite π joint. Journal of Composite Materials. 2014, 48(6): 707-721.
27. Bao Rui, Yang Hongqin, Zhang Jianyu, Peng Lei, Fei Binjun. Fatigue crack growth measurement in a superalloy at elevated temperature. International Journal of Fatigue. 2013, 47:189-195.
28. Liu Fengrui (Ph.D. Candidate), Zhao Libin, Mehmood Saqib, Zhang Jianyu, Fei Binjun. A modified failure envelope method for failure prediction of multi-bolt composite joints. Composites Science and Technology. 2013, 83:54-63.
29. Zhao Libin, Gong Yu, Qin Tianliang, Mehmood Saqib, Zhang Jianyu. Failure prediction of out-of-plane woven composite joints using cohesive element. Composite Structures. 2013, 106:407-416.
30. Zhao Libin, Qin Tianliang, Zhang Jianyu, Shenoi Ramanand Ajit. Modified Maximum Stress Failure Criterion for Composite π Joints. Journal of Composite Materials. 2013, 47(23):2995-3008. (SCI: 000329545100001, IF: 1.257, 2013 JCR Materials Science, Composites Q2, 9/23)
31. Peng Lei, Xu Jifeng, Zhang Jianyu, Zhao Libin. Mixed mode delamination growth of multidirectional composite laminates under fatigue loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2012, 96:676-686.
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